lunes, 26 de mayo de 2008

D.R.I. - Deadline with it

Artista: D.R.I. (Dirty rotten imbeciles)
Album: Dealing with it
Año: 1985
Genero: Hardcore/Crossover Thrash

1. snap
2. i'd rather be sleeping
3. marriage
4. yes ma´am
5. soup kitchen
6. mad man
7. stupid, stupid war
8. counter attack
9. couch slouch
10. god is broke
11. karma
12. nursing home blues
13. i don't need society
14. give my taxes back
15. the explorer
16. reagonomics
17. how to act
18. shame
19. argument then war
20. evil minds
21. slit my wrist
22. busted again
23. equal people
24. on my way hom3
25. bail out

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